
US PRESIDENT AIRCRAFT FEATURES :Air refueling facility, even missiles can't damage anything, US President's plane has many features US President's Air Force One will land in India, missile can't spoil it US President Joe Biden will attend the G20 Summit to be held in Delhi from September 7-10. Updated: Aug 27th, 2023 US President Joe Biden will come to participate in the G20 Summit to be held in Delhi from September 7-10. He will come to Delhi in his special plane Air Force One. It is called the safest aircraft in the world. This aircraft has such qualities that even a missile attack cannot spoil it. It acts as an airborne command and control center. Let's know the special things about the US President's plane.... This plane is ready 24 hours a day The President of the United States can travel to any part of the world at any time. Due to this, their aircraft are kept ready 24 hours a day. Air Force One is not the name of a single aircraft. Technically, the plane or helicopter that the President of the United States rides in becomes Air Force One for the time being. The aircraft is equipped with a sophisticated self-defense system The US President primarily uses two Boeing 747-200B aircraft. It is customized in the best way. The tail codes of this aircraft are 28000 and 29000. Designed for the President, these planes are equipped with sophisticated self-defense systems. With its help, the incoming missile can be easily dodged. Capable of air refueling The President's Boeing 747-200B aircraft also has mid-air refueling facilities. This increases the range of the aircraft to an unlimited extent. This plane can take the US President to any part of the world in a single flight. Arrangements have been made to protect the aircraft's electronics from electromagnetic pulses. It is fitted with highly secure communications equipment so that it can act as a flying command center in the event of an attack on America. A suite for the president on the plane This three-story plane has 4000 square feet of space. It works like a flying house and office. One for the President

Four astronauts from four countries depart for the International Space Station, taking off from the Kennedy Space Center This was the first US launch involving astronauts from different countries These astronauts also included Moghabeli of Iran Updated: Aug 27th, 2023

WHEN USA PRESIDENTIAL ELECTION : USA NEWS:AMERICA NEWS UPDATE:US election: Vivek Ramaswamy's tune has changed, now he is ready to become vice president if Trump becomes president Updated: Aug 27th, 2023 Image Source: Twitter New delhi date. August 27, 2023 Vivek Ramaswamy of Indian origin has leaned against Trump to become the candidate of the Republican Party for the presidential election to be held in the United States next year. Vivek Ramaswamy, who has been attracting public attention in the election campaign, has now indicated that if he cannot become the presidential candidate, he is ready to contest the vice-presidential election with Trump. It is worth mentioning that Vivek Ramaswamy's popularity is increasing but Donald Trump is considered a hot favorite as the presidential candidate of the Republican Party. In a conversation with the British news channel, Ramaswamy said that if Donald Trump becomes the presidential candidate of the Republican Party for the third time in a row, then I am ready to work with him as vice president. Ramaswamy was asked whether he would be happy to be the Vice President..then he said, "What happens, but if Trump becomes the President, I am definitely ready to become the Vice President." I am new to politics and Trump is half my age so Trump can ask me to serve as Vice President in the White House. However, Ramaswamy has now changed his tune. Because earlier he refused to become the Vice President and said that I can change the country only when I am the President. I am not interested in any other post in Govt.

TAIWAN HINDU TEMPLE INAUGRATION:Inauguration of a Hindu temple in the capital of China's arch-enemy Taiwan Updated: Aug 27th, 2023 Image Source: Twitter Taipei, dt. August 27, 2023 Taiwan, which China considers a part of itself, has been trying for some time to come closer to India. Now in Taiwan, work has been done to strengthen the cultural relations between India and Taiwan. A Hindu temple has been inaugurated in Taipei, the capital of Taiwan. A Hindu temple in Taiwan has been named as the temple of all. This temple can prove to be an important milestone in the relations between the people of the two countries. The credit for the construction of this temple is being given to Andy Singh Arya, an Indian tourist living in Taiwan for two decades and the owner of a famous Indian restaurant. Dr. Priya Lalwani, one of the founders of the IIT Indians Group in Taiwan, said that this temple is important not only for the Indians living in Taiwan but also for the citizens of Taiwan. This temple shows that Taiwanese people are also aware of its importance. This is a historic moment in the cultural relations between India and Taiwan. The temple will prove auspicious for Taiwan and bring happiness and peace to this country. Taiwan also recently announced plans to set up a Taipei Economic and Cultural Center in Mumbai. Trade between Taiwan and India is also growing rapidly. Both the countries are investing in technology, medical equipment, automobile sector. There is already an Iskan temple and a Ganapati Bapa temple in Taiwan and now one more temple has been constructed.

HILLARIOUS FESTIWAL:Ajibogarib Festival: People of this country celebrate this special festival by throwing oranges at each other Updated: Aug 28th, 2023 Image Source: Freepik Rome, dated 28 August 2023 Monday In the UNESCO-listed Italian city of Ivera, the festival is celebrated by throwing an orange at each other. Celebrating the popular historic carnival Shrove Tuesday, people there throw around 6 lakh kilograms of oranges at each other. The purpose of the fight is to recreate a 12th century battle between local people and Royal Napoleonic soldiers. The people carrying the oranges are the Aranseri, also known as the Duke's Army. Pedestrians pose as revolutionaries and throw oranges against the aranseri in carts. In this carnival, oranges are considered to represent old weapons and stones, which people throw at each other. This festival held in Italy is one of the biggest food fights in the country, which is on the list of weirdest festivals held all over the world. Battle of Orange is one of the craziest and most awaited festivals in Italy. The game is a medieval tradition, which was established in 1808. This is a three day festival. More than one lakh visitors travel to Ivara annually to witness and participate in this thrilling carnival. This is an outdoor festival, where spectators have the opportunity to relive one of the most important turning points in Italy's past. This fight tells the story of people who are rebelling against a tyrannical government. In this festival, tableaus, music, dance also take place. People come from Italy and all corners of Europe.